Beforehand, we invited the children to bring one or more items that would be useful or fun to a missionary. Suggestions: stamps, envelopes, cereal, socks, snacks, non perishable food, stationary, etc. or pictures they had drawn for them. We told them we would give these to the missionaries as a surprise.
The activity was done in 3 groups because our Primary is huge. The first station was in the gym. We talked about how missionaries get around. Then we had 4 bikes (trikes, and other small bikes) and we did relay races with them. The second station was writing letters to missionaries in our ward. We provided the paper and pens and also markers to decorate. The last station was white aprons with our hand prints (dipped in finger paint) on them and they signed below their hand. We sent these to the missionaries from our ward also. Then we met back together in the Primary room and the missionaries serving in our ward spoke to the kids for a few minutes. Meanwhile we were loading the gifts and goodies into the gym for the big surprise. We went in the gym and formed a big circle and we sang I Hope They Call me on a Mission. As we were singing it, we brought the missionaries in and told them how much we appreciated them and then gave them their gifts. They were stunned. There was so much stuff that it almost didn’t fit in their car! The ward’s generosity was overwhelming. There was gift certificates, tons of food, socks, letter stuff, and just awesome things that missionaries go nuts over!
Not only did the missionaries love it but the kids remembered it long after and keep asking when we are going to do it again.