Ward Auction Questionaire
The following questions were used at a Relief Society Enrichment activity. Women brought stuff from home or offered services that were “auctioned” using the play money that women earned from this form.
If you have gotten up on time regularly for the past 3 months $5
If you have read the scriptures regularly for the past month $5
If you have taken a meal to someone in need in the past 6 months $5
If you have read the lesson prior to Sunday for the past month $5
If you have tried a new recipe in the past month $5
If you have attended Enrichment Meeting for the past 6 months $5
If you have cleaned a drawer in the past week $5
If you attended the last Primary quarterly activity $10
If you have balanced your checkbook in the past month $5
If you have helped out at Enrichment Meeting in the past year $10
If you have organized your recipe file in the past year $5
If you have exercised regularly for the past month $5
If you have had your daily personal prayers for the past 3 months $5
If you have read a book to your children or grandchildren in the past 6 months $5
If you have been 10 minutes early to Sacrament Meeting for the past month $5
If you have learned a new skill in the past month $5
If you done your Visiting/Home Teaching for the past 3 months $10
If you have broken a bad habit in the past year $10
If you have had the missionaries to dinner in the past year $5
If you have sewn a new item of clothing in the past month $5
If you have 80% attendance in Sacrament Meeting for the past year $5
If you have read a good book in the past month $5
If you have planned a weekly menu and followed it for 3 months $5
If you have had a new member of the ward to your home for dinner in the past year $5
If you have saved money each paycheck for the past 6 months $5
If you have attended the temple in the past month $5
If you have cleaned a closet in the past month $5
If you have written a letter to a missionary in the past 3 months $5
If you have made or updated your will the past year $10
If you have placed a Book Of Mormon with a friend in the past 6 months $15
If you have planned a monthly budget and followed for the past 3 months $5
If you have volunteered to give a talk in sacrament meeting in the past year $ 5
If you have cleaned something that you would have rather not in the past week $ 5
If you fasted on the last fast Sunday $5
If you have taken your children or grandchildren on a special activity,
(park,zoo etc.) in the past month $5
If you have invited a friend to hear the missionary discussions in the past 6 months$15
If you have bore your testimony in the past 6 months $10
If you have mended a garment in the past month $5
If you have sung a church song in your home in the past month $5
If you have a 72 hour kit $10
If you are a full tithe payer $10
If you have begun/added to your food storage in the past 3 months $15
If you have invited a non-member friend to church in the past 3 months $10
If you have planted a garden in the past year $10
If you have read the Book of Mormon entirely in the past year $10
If you have donated items to charity in the past 6 months $10
If you have submitted family names to the Temple in the past 6 months $10
If you have done a service project with your family in the past 6 months $10
If you have introduced yourself to a new member or move-in within the past month $5
If your journal is current $10
If you have told someone that you love them in the past week $5
If you have work on your family history in the past 6 months $10
If you have discussed your youth with your children in the past month $5
If you can recite an article of faith from memory $5
If you know how to change a tire $5
If you have ever checked the oil in your car $5
If you know CPR and the Heimlich maneuver $5
If you have read the Ensign for the past 3 months $5
If you have organized your storage area in the past year $5
If you have done a good deed anonymously in the past 6 months $10
If you voted in the last election $5
If you went to bed on time last night $5
If you have vacuumed your car in the past month $5
If you fixed dinner for your family before you came tonight $5
If you went to the grocery store today $5
If you have been to the Dentist in the past 6 months $5
If you have been to a wedding reception in the past 3 months $5
If you attended or helped with girls camp this year $5
If you attended or helped with scout camp this year $5
If you kept your TV off all day today $5
If you gave someone a sincere compliment in the past week $5
If you have begun your Christmas Shopping $5
If you have done something you are proud of in the past month $5
If you keep your house doors locked even when you are home $5
If you have a fire extinguisher in or near your kitchen $5
If you have been on a date with your mate in the past 2 weeks $5
If you are being TRUTHFUL about your answers $10
If you read the ward newsletter this month $5
If you have made a comment in church class in the past month $5
If you have laughed today $5
If you have been laughed at $5
If you have accepted someone help this past week $5
If you have obeyed the speed limit all day $5
If you wear your seat belt $5
If you have baby-sat for someone in the past month $5
If you showered before noon today $5
Give yourself a dollar for every year your have been married
Give yourself a dollar for every child you have
Give yourself 50 dollars for just being here tonight
Give yourself 5 dollars for every item you have donated tonight