Backwards Manners Dinner
We recently had a combined Young Women’s activity were we had a mini lesson on table manners and then we had a spaghetti dinner, with a twist. We first gave all the dishes and utensils a number, plates #1, cups #2, Forks #3, etc… As the girls arrived they were given a number of 1 – 5 (we wrote it on their hand). After everyone was seated we had the mini lesson and then we explained that the number on their hand determined what utensil they would eat with. We of course had the tables lined with plastic. It was so fun to see the girls reactions and how creative they got. The Mia Maids were over the activity and brought the spaghetti and salad and our Young Women’s President made meat balls and homemade bread. We gave out prizes for: “The Neatest” “Most Creative” “Messiest” “Team Work” “Best slurp” “Silliest”