The Airplane Activity: It kills you but won’t die.
Well, it came up again on our Seminary Teacher’s Facebook group–The Activity That Won’t Die: the Flight 227 airplane crash activity.
I was astonished to see it appear on the page, actually. I thought I had squelched it years ago with my forum posts regarding the First Presidency letter warning members not to wear all white at activities. But no dice….
If you’re looking for a fun LDS activity, please don’t do the plane crash. There are much better activities that don’t
- Mimic temple patterns, like passing “through the veil”, or moving from room to room where lights and other symbols represent degrees of glory
- Potentially alienate struggling members or those with family members who aren’t making wise decisions right now
- End with an arbitrary “judgment” — not based on merit or actions — but based on random assignments
- Make entertainment — mockery — of the deaths of those who have actually died in plane crashes
- Perpetuate doctrinal errors
Leave the teaching of the degrees of glory to the temple or D&C 76, and please don’t crash any planes in the name of teaching or entertainment in your unit.