Funny TV Commercials – Mutual Activity
This is such a fun activity for a Combined YM/YW Mutual night. I got the idea from SugarDoodle and took it a step further… I created some images that I could glue to items, told the youth they had to come up with a 30sec. – 1min. commercial to help sell the item, then video taped each one, watching them all at the end. What they came up with was absolutely hilarious!!
We had items like (ideas taken from SugarDoodle):
* Bishop Butter: “Made especially for smoothing over any bumps in the road with your Bishop. Guaranteed to win him over and sign just about anything!!”
* Dancing with the Deacons: “This Instructional video will prepare even the most clumsy dancer, for that first Stake Dance!”
* W.O.W. Cereal: “Word of Wisdom Cereal – Made from all the grains from which we can freely eat!”
* Missionary Templates: “Great for those “Dear John” Letters that are so hard to write.”
* Modesty Measurer: “Special device made possible by advances in our modern-day technology, radar will sound to alert parents to immodest attire!
* Molly Mormon Muffin Mix: “The perfect muffin every time!”
* R.M. Ravioli: Thrown together from all the left over and miscellaneous items going bad in your refrigerator!!”
We had about 30 youth, with 4-5 on a team. If you have more, I’m sure you could come up with additional items to keep the groups small (ie: Spiritual Spaghetti, Home Teaching Hot Line, etc.).
I’m attaching the images I made for these 7 items in case you’d like to print and use them. Just remember you will need to format them fit the size of the container you’ll glue to.
If you’d like to see the video we made of the youth’s commercials (on YouTube) it’s here:
Hope you have as much fun doing it as we did!! :0)
– M.R.
The Nehalem Ward
Vancouver, Washington