Make Your Own Butter with a Baby Food Jar
You can make your own butter quickly and easily! My son did this at school for a thanksgiving meal, and you can do it, too! You’ll need: – a glass baby food jar or similar glass jar – VERY cold heavy whipping cream Note: You can use larger jars, but making the butter takes lots longer. Step ONE: Fill the…
Simple Service / Charity activity
Give each person in your class a quarter. Tell them that they can use the quarter for themselves or place it in the jar where the jar will go to a good cause (food shelter, ophanage, etc.). Then leave the jar in the class for a week, and challenge others to help others and to give to the needy. (This…
Disability Awareness Activities
disAbility Awareness Activities by Ande HaymoreDescription: Having a child with a disability as part of our familyhas been a great blessing to us. He has brought a spirit of love, patience, andacceptance that wouldn’t have been there without him. With that great love andacceptance came a clearer understanding of all of God’s children and theirimportance. I know that many other…
Service List
New Member/Inactive Welcome – Have the youth make cookies or assemble treat bags to take around to new members of your ward/branch or to inactive members of their class. Park/Neighborhood Cleanup: Contact your city or community park commission or recreational directors to find out what locations can use your donated labor. You can also clean out drains or ditches in…