• Activities,  Stake Activities

    International Night

    Understand the different cultures in your ward by asking each sister who was born and raised in a different country to do a presentation and show items from their country that may be of interest to others. Examples they could talk about: difference between the USA and their country, show the money, talk about the traditional clothing of that country…

  • Activities

    Sweet is the Work Standards Night

    The night was centered on service. The theme was “Sweet is the Work.” We used the game Candyland as our backdrop. Using foam board, we painted the characters from the game and then placed them around the room. We made lights that looked like a string of candy and hung them up. On every chair we placed a paper we…

  • Activities,  Relief Society Activities,  Youth Activities

    Envelope Game

    What you do is get as many envelopes as you have people there. Have everyone write something people wouldn’t know about you on their envelopes. Give each person a color square to pin on them, all have to be a different color. Then give each person a square of each color that’s been used. Give everyone an envelope turned upside…

  • Activities,  Stake Activities,  Ward Activities

    Pioneer Day Program

    Pioneer Day Program 23 July 2005 1. Pioneer (who crossed the plains) Family History story: Sr. Primary child.2. Song: “Pioneer Children Sang as They Walked”3. Pioneer Facts: (read by Sr. Primary children) Pioneer Fact #1Pioneers used to drink from streams. They didn’t have running water like we do. Pioneer Fact #2Pioneers made up games to play as they traveled. Because…

  • Activities,  Singles Activities,  Youth Activities

    Scripture Basketball

    Divide the youth into 2 teams, each facing the other in chairs on the keylines of the gym floor (we had enough for 4 teams and used both ends of the gym) Tthe teams are given a clue to a scripture and told to begin (seminary students rock at this game, try to divide them up evenly between teams) As…

  • Activities

    New Beginnings – Now is a great TIME to be a Young Woman

    Have a guest speaker talk on why it is such a great time to be a young woman. Assign 7 young women (preferrably the laurels) to give short talks on “now is a great time to be a yw of FAITH” (the next would speak on divine nature, then individual worth, and so on.)Recognize the new girls and give them…