• Activities

    Don’t get caught without…

    This is similar to musical chairs, but more reverent for the classroom setting. It may be better to do this activity before the topic discussion. Have each person sit in a circle. Hand spoons out to all but one person. Explain that the goal is to not get caught without a spoon when the leader randomly calls out STOP. TO…

  • Activities,  Children's Activities,  Stake Activities,  Ward Activities

    Stake Primary Activity

    We had a very successful Stake Primary Activity today, Saturday, June 10, 2006. We based five different stations the children visited for 20 minutes each, on our theme, “Holding Hands Around the World.” STATION #1-Make your own ‘Gospel Flag.’ Each child had a triangular banner made of craft foam and a baggie with 10 emblems representing things we can do…

  • Activities

    Daddy / Daughter Talent Night

    As the leaders, we set up chairs as for a theatre and a couple of tables to set the treats on, then we just sat back and enjoyed the show. We also took pictures of the girls and dads doing their thing. One dad and daughter demonstrated tying flies…they make jewelery from fishing flies and sell them and they actually…

  • Activities,  Children's Activities

    Sharing Time

    commandments found in Exodus 20 OPtion 1: Have the pictures in order of the commandments. Hold up each picture in it’s turn and have the children tell you about the picture then relate it them personally and to the commandment. Display the picture and the commandment strip together. (by child holding them, on a board of sorts) Once through all…

  • Activities,  Ward Activities,  Youth Activities

    The Living Christ

    Pot Luck DinnerCrossword puzzles and coloring pictures to work on until program begins.Dismiss YM/YW volunteers for nursery for 5 and underString quartet plays a few songs centered on ChristSolo: I Heard Him ComePresentation of The Living Christ by 2 men & 2 women(Divided into four sections using other references to enhance talks lasting @ 10 minutes each)Solo: I Believe in…

  • Activities,  Relief Society Activities

    Relief Soceity Birthday Celebration

    We took a digital phographer of every active and some less active sisters in our ward and put their picture in a power point presentation and added music and comments. The purpose was so every woman had a name….we also tied familes together….(ei. Sister Lush, her daughter Sis Sevy and her grandaughter Sis. Christou.)We put some in groups of their…