• Activities,  Service Projects,  Youth Activities

    Secret Grandmothers

    We asked the relief society for a list of grandmotherly woman that would benefit from having a little friendly service. We assigned each YW a secret grandmother for the duration of the project. (Being flexible for absences, new YW, etc.) Quarterly we made a gift for the secret grandmothers and took the girls to anonymously deliver the gifts at the…

  • Activities,  Youth Activities

    Sunday/Sundae activity

    John Bytheway gave a fireside called “The Best 3 Hours of the Week.” It is available on DVD from places like Deseret Book. It is a great talk that gives suggestions for youth to get more out of their Sunday meetings. Brother Bytheway gives a particularly enlightening description of the symbols and covenants of the sacrament. The fireside is about…

  • Activities,  Children's Activities

    Breakfast with the Bishop

    We gather the children the first Saturday of the year and have them meet for breakfast at the ward house. We have all the teachers come and meet their new classes (sometiems in PJ’s), so they each sit with their new class (we have done picnic style and tables). Then we have the bishop tell a story, sing a song…

  • Activities,  Youth Activities

    What would you wear?

    We did a variation of an activity already listed in this forum. We took our Mia Maids and Laurels to a local Goodwill. The girls paired and were given a card that would have a situation or location on it and the girls would have to pick out an outfit that would fit that situation, ie. something you would wear…

  • Activities,  Camp,  Youth Activities

    Glory Road YW Camp Theme

    Our Camp theme this year is “Glory Road”. Our Camp Scripture is 1 Nephi 16:3, “…give heed unto it, that ye might walk uprightly before God.” Our Logo is a Route 66 sign. The top half is our camp scripture and the bottom half simply says, “Glory Road” in big letters. Hopefully we will be able to get T-shirts with…