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Lip Sync Battle Ideas
Check out these fantastic tips from LDS leaders on how to plan a lip sync battle!
Set up

Here is how one unit set up a “stage”. It looks like they used plastic tablecloths from the dollar store and pinned them to a chalkboard in a classroom.

Look at these cute microphone awards made from tinfoil and spray painted paper towel holders! Awards are for Entertainer of the Night, Most Believable Lip Sync, Judges’ Favorite, Funniest Performance, Best Choreography, and Best Air Guitar.
Locating and playing music
- “At our building— phones can be hooked right into the sound system.” (Lynette)
- “Hoopla allows you to check out a wide variety of digital music with you library card. We did a talent show and made a playlist on one iPad so the music was in one spot and we didn’t have to worry about connecting each phone, although that works, too.” (Katie)
- “If your youth are anything like ours, they have playlists on their phones or iPods. And someone is bound to have a portable speaker if you do not want to hook straight into the church system. I personally have several playlists- through iTunes, Spotify- which also has the EFY music for this year, Mormon channel, pandora, I heart radio, and a few others. Newer Disney ‘rock’ songs can be iffy… so listen carefully.” (Liz)
- “We’ve used Amazon Prime music to make a playlist if anyone has prime, free and easy.” (Shelli)
Funny lip sync ideas
Please note, I have not vetted the ideas below — people and units have different ideas about what is appropriate. Be sure to check out music before it’s played.
- “Mormon rap!” (Tara)
- “We did Brave for girls camp – it has a nice message.” (Karen)
- “You don’t know you’re beautiful by One Direction. One time we had a karaoke party and our Relief Society president sang ‘I’m too sexy’… it was at least 10 years ago and we are still laughing about it- so very memorable” (Becky)
- “Bohemian Rhapsody or Proud Mary 😂😂😂 I’d be so into this. I’ve suggested it for an activity but we have too many shy girls. Haha!” (Lindsey)
- “Glow stick people!” (Joelene)
- “Have you ever seen the one where you hang upside down and paint faces on your chins?? It’s sooooo funny!! You can do it to any song! Lay on a table on your backs and have your head hanging off the edge then draw eyes on your chin and put a tshirt covering your nose and eyes!!!!” (Tiffany) “My sister and I do this for family reunions. The last one tried was the ‘cup song’ from Pitch Perfect, while doing the cups on a board on our chests. So funny… and so hard!” (Brooke)
- “So…. our stake does a lip sync competition at camp every year and one ward chose Fanny Pack by ko ko kanga roo. It was hilarious and had everyone clapping and dancing. They dressed full out 80’s/90’s, acid wash jeans, huge sunglasses, krimped hair, bright eyeshadow etc. It’s a funny way to go if you want laughs.” (Delynn)
- “We did a lip sync to the parody “I just can’t clean this place” to Meghan Trainors “it’s all about the bass”, so hilarious!” (Brooke)
- ‘“Popular’ from Wicked” (Sandy)
- “We had leaders that did a parody of kiss the girl, but changed the words to don’t kiss the girl. It was so funny.” (Julie)
- “As a YW, our leaders dressed up as grapes and did I heard it through the grapevine. It was hilarious and definitely memorable, since it’s been almost 20 years!” (Joy)
- ” I had my bishopric learn the Michael Jackson thriller dance.” (Lynette)
- “We just did shake it off by Taylor Swift (editing out two phrases) and everyone loved it.” (Amanda) “We did that also & dressed the different parts.” (Sonia)
- “Call me Maybe” (Joanne)
- “We just did a half-time routine at our last YW basketball game. We were bobble-head dancers. We took funny selfie pictures, then had them enlarged and mounted them on poster board, glued a cup to the back so we could hold them in our mouths so our hands would be free and we could make them bobble. Turned out to be pretty funny, kick-line and all!!” (Andrea)
- “Our leaders lip synced this one, Once There Were some Snowmen, by InsideOut. They dressed up accordingly for each genre. It was really fun to watch.” (Channa)
Once There Were Some Snow Men