New Beginnings Super Bowl Theme Ideas
Here are some ideas for a football themed New Beginnings:
We invited all the Young Women’s families. We used the Salem Utah Stake’s idea of Kick-off and tailgate party. We had our Opening and then did a skit with the Young Women on teamwork. Using their playbook (personal progress manual) and values for the presentation on teamwork.
The rookies (new Beehives) and Team Captains (class presidencies) were then introduced.
We had a talk on the year’s theme and teamwork as families. The speaker built a banana split as she talked about teamwork.
The girls then sang “Families Can Be Together Forever.” Our Bishop is a high school basketball coach He gave the families a pep talk. At the conclusion of his talk he had the girls form a tight circle with one arm extended up and towards the middle and they had to chant three times. “Families are Important!”
The families then created their own Family Fight Song (using the Hymn Book and Primary Songbook as melodies) and made their Family Team Flags.
We ended the evening with the Hymn “Love At Home” and ate Banana Splits.
Becky S (
(I think this SuperBowl themed idea would be fun in January! It’s especially a good idea if you are trying to encourage girls and mothers to help each other with their personal progress according to the new program. ~Jenny)
We had New Beginnings last night and what a success. A Mia Maid in our ward put it together as one of her value projects. So, it isn’t my doing. But I have to share because it was a great theme and night.
It is my understanding that she got the idea from a YW idea book. But she put a lot of creativity into the night and with the help of leaders.. .this is what we did.
KICK OFF to New Beginnings! It was a football theme evening. Everything had a tie into football and playing the game. it was a very peppy evening with lots of spirit and cheering and enthusiasm for the YW program.
INVITATIONS: Our secretary created these adorable tickets to the big game. It looked like Super Bowl ticket and had all the information printed on it.
DECORATIONS: Pennant banners, pom-poms, concession stand, a big football field on the wall, leaders dressed in red shirt and bishopric in ref shirts.
FOOD: Nachos, popcorn, candy bars and soda (things you find at a game).
Opening Song
Opening Prayer
Wecome to New Beginnings
Welcome the New Recruits (all the new beehives that came in or are coming in this year). We introduced them and told things about them, so we could get to know them better. We also talked about the home team advantage (support from parents in coming to activities, church, personal progress, etc).
Talk on YW Theme: PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE (see below) I gave this talk.
Talk on Personal Progress
Talk from the Ref: Message from our Bishop
Play Ball: (Jeopardy style game) The questions were from the scriptures, Personal Progress Book, Strength for Youth and Leaders. We had a big football field on the wall and divided into two teams and had them march down the field to see how would get to the goal line first.
Closing Prayer
In the handout program we also had pages accordingly:
YW Spirit – the YW Theme printed out
Game Plan – the program for the evening
Roster – a list of everyone in YW. Offensive Team (list Laurels), Defensive Team (list Mia Maids), Rookies (list Beehives), Red Shirts (those coming into YW this year)
Coaching Staff – YW Presidency (head Coach – Pres, Asst. Coaches – Counselors, Special Team – Secretary and PP leader)
Cheerleaders – YW Advisers
Referees – Bishopric
2009 Schedule – upcoming events
Coaches Challenge – message from YW Pres.
Sponsors – icons of CTR, YW logo, other homemade logos (scriptures, moroni, etc).
I think that is it for the evening. I am also including my message, just to get an idea of how theme oriented all the talks were.
In order to be an athlete and excel on a team, each player of the team needs to PRATICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!
It is only by practicing that one can become really good at something. And it is only through practice that you wins games. The Steelers won the BIG GAME through lots and lots of practice.
Many of you are on sport teams… do you practice only once a week? No, you most likely practice daily. Do you practice for only 10 mins? No, you probably practice for a couple of hours.
Take football for instance, what are football players practicing? They are practicing specific skills that will help them play well and win games. Let’s list some skills football players practice.
• ENDURANCE – Running laps around the field
• KNOWLEDGEABLE – Practicing specific plays
• STRENGTH – Bench pressing
• SPEED – speed drills
• Agility – Running throw car tires
The Young Woman theme gives us 8 SKILLS (OR VALUES) we need to practice in our daily life in order to become STAR ALTHETES in life. Just like athletes need to practicing specific skills in order to win the BIG GAME. Young Women need to practice the VALUES in order to win the BIG GAME.
We need to practice these values daily with specific skills. (Elaborate about each one).
• FAITH – Pray night and day
• DIVINE NATURE – Remember daily that you are a Daughter of God and what they truly means.
• INDIVIDUAL WORTH – Developing talents
• KNOWLEDGE – study school, but more importantly daily scripture study
• CHOICE & ACCOUNTABILITY – choosing the right each day
• GOOD WORKS – daily acts of service
• INTEGRITY – being honest with your fellowman
• VIRTUE – Being chaste and pure (what we wear, say and watch/listen to)
Just like athletes, we don’t just practice these values on a weekly basis or for 10 mins a day. We need to practice the VALUES on a daily basis 24/7! PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!
This is why we have the Personal Progress program. This is why we recite the theme each week in Young Womens. This is why we have the Strength of Youth. Go to seminary and church and mutual each week.
Now, what is the BIG GAME, you Young Women are trying to WIN. It is the last line of the theme…. TO ENJOY THE BLESSINGS OF EXALTATION. That is to return to live with our Heavenly Father again. There is no better trophy, reward or outcome!
Your Heavenly Father loves you, it should be evidently all around you. And we recite each week, that we love HIM. How do we should our love to him? It is by PRATICING these values and making them a part of who we are. When we live our lives as righteous and virtuous daughter of God, we show HIM our true love for Him.
Now, stand with me and let’s recite the YW THEME!
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