• Activities

    72 Hour Kit Contents List

    This is the list of 72 hour kit contents for my family of 4. Each of us has our own backpack (I’ve tested to make sure the kids can carry theirs), and we have one big black duffel bag we use for the less essential shared items. I put a copy of the items in each backpack in each bag.…

  • Activities

    72 Hour Bucket Kits

    These 72 hour kit lists were emailed to me by Mrs. Haws. Each of these bucket style kits uses the 5 gallon buckets from a hardware store. She uses a special tool called a Gamma Seal Lid to make her pails twist off and waterproof. – Jenny Mrs Haws says the following: I have a list of items of a…

  • Activities,  Ward Activities

    Chili Cook-Off and Pie Bake-Off

    We had a chili cook-off/Pie bake-off with our ward, which turned out great. People sign up to bring their chili/pies and you assign each person a number. We had the bishopric be the judges and we came up with some creative awards with silly prizes I.E. “The Not For Kids” Award for the hottest with a Hot Tamale necklace. The…

  • Activities

    Cat and Mouse

    Get a group of people in a cirle. Give the ties to opossite people of the cirle. Designate one the “Cat” and the other “Mouse”. The Cat is trying to catch the Mouse. The person with the cat tie has to tie a simple loose knot around their neck then untie it before passing it to the next person clock…

  • Activities

    Flour Game

    Pour the flour into a bowl and compress it. Put a plate over it and carfully flip it over so that when you take off the bowl it leaves a mound of flour in the plate. Put an M&M in the middle. Go around the circle using the knife to make one cut at the flour trying not to cause…

  • Activities,  Relief Society Activities,  Ward Activities

    Garden Challenge

    Have each participant select a fruit or vegetable plant in May that they have never grown before. Discuss with everyone how to plant and take care of their selection. Assign each person to record the best practices, and problems they uncover during the growing season. Have them research different uses for thier selection. Have a potluck using their fruit or…